Benchmark Assessment System
Quick Facts
- Grades K-5
- Assesses Reading
- Administered as needed
- Approximately 20 minutes per assessment
- Accommodations available
This one-on-one assessment is administered to students in grades K-5 a minimum of two times annually to measure Fountas & Pinnell reading levels and to identify student strengths and potential areas of growth in the area of reading. Depending on student needs, additional BAS assessments may be administered a maximum of five times annually.
This assessment provides valuable information regarding growth and progress toward reading skill attainment.
It also provides teachers with precise tools and texts to observe and quantify specific reading behaviors, and then interpret and use that data to plan meaningful instruction.
Your child's BAS score is just one of many data points that their teacher will use to support their growth. The score will consist of a letter from A to Z which will help to illustrate your child's reading level. This score, along with other reading scores will allow teachers to build supports for each student.