MAP Alternate
Quick Facts
- Grades 3-8 and 11
- Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities
- Assesses Language Arts, Math, and Science
- Spring testing window
The Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) assessment measures student performance on alternate achievement standards, known as DLM Essential Elements, for students determined to meet Missouri's alternate assessment eligibility criteria through the IEP process. These Essential Elements detail what your child should know and be able to do at a particular grade level.
During the school year, the DLM instructionally embedded assessment model will be used for English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. DLM's comprehensive assessment system is designed to support student learning and to more validly measure what students know and can do.
About the Results
Students are tested in the following content areas through a computer-based assessment:
- Communication Arts: Grades 3-8, 11
- Mathematics: Grades 3-8, 11
- Science: Grades 5, 8, and 11
The Individual Student Year-End Report Performance Profile for Communication Arts, Mathematics, and Science when applicable, provides the following:
- Overall results: This section describes your child's overall performance in relation to the alternate achievement standards assessed. Student performance is categorized as Emerging, Approaching the Target, at Target, and Advanced. "At Target" means that your child has met the alternate achievement standards for your child's grade level and assessed content area.
- Conceptual Area or Claim Results: Identifies the categories of skills assessed and describes your child's performance in relation to academic skills.
- Learning Profile: shows your child's progress toward grade-level targets on each Essential Element tested. To show achievement of the grade-level target for each Essential Element, your child must have already mastered some skills that come before the Target. The table explains what your child has achieved and can do.
During the school year, the DLM instructionally embedded assessment model will be used for English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. DLM's comprehensive assessment system is designed to support student learning and to more validly measure what students know and can do.
While the MAP-A DLM assessment results provide valuable information, it is important to remember that these results are only one indicator of your child's academic progress and represent only a small portion of the larger educational picture of your child. If you have any questions about your child's results or if you need additional information on your child's academic performance, please contact your child's special education teacher.
If you need more information understanding the results, please contact your school office. For assistance accessing the report, please contact Rockwood Help Desk.