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Rockwood School District

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MAP Grade-Level

Quick Facts

  • Grades 3-8
  • Assesses Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science
  • Spring test window
  • Approximately 3 hours (Grades 3, 4, 6, 7) and 7-8 hours (Grades 5, 8)
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education logo

The Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) is one of several educational reforms mandated by the Outstanding Schools Act of 1993. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) uses the information obtained through the MAP to monitor the progress of Missouri's students in meeting the Missouri Learning Standards, to inform the public and the state legislature about students' performance, and to help make informed decisions about educational issues

The MAP Grade-Level Assessments provide information regarding student attainment of Missouri Learning Standards in English, Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science.

The MAP GLA provides valuable information regarding growth and progress toward readiness for the students next stage of education. Scores will help families to identify student strengths and weaknesses.

This assessment serves as the basis of state and national accountability plans. The data we receive from administering the MAP GLA helps Rockwood to evaluate programs and support student growth.

What To Expect

  • For all grade levels (3 through 8), the MAP Grade-Level Assessments in ELA and Mathematics include multiple item types.
  • Selected-response items (also known as multiple-choice) present students with a question followed by three or more response options
  • Short-text items require a student to type an appropriate response.
  • Technology-enhanced items use innovative technology to allow students to demonstrate their knowledge in ways that are not possible using paper/pencil assessments.

During testing, students are not allowed to have or wear any electronic devices that could connect to the internet or anyone inside or outside the classroom. This includes cell phones, gaming devices and smart watches. Devices required to monitor student medical conditions are allowed (i.e. diabetic condition).

How to Succeed

  1. Rest: Have your child get a good night's sleep.
  2. Good Nutrition: Give your child a healthy breakfast to start the day.
  3. Attend: Make sure your child is in school on the testing dates.

Some children sail through test-taking without much concern. For many children, test-taking, especially state and national standardized tests, can create anxiety. Here are some tips for parents that can help your child feel more confident about tests throughout the school years.

  1. Read, Read, Read! Reading takes skill and practice. One of the best and simplest steps to improve the reading ability for children is to provide sustained periods of time for children to read.
  2. Help your child to read like a writer. Even in the early grades, children can begin to "get into the head" of the author. Reading improves a child's writing, and writing improves a child's reading.
  3. Read a variety of books and magazines. MAP English Language Arts assessments contain a variety of text including short stories, poems, dialogues, magazine articles, charts and tables. Children need to be able to read a wide variety of texts ranging from road signs to restaurant menus, comic books to classics.
  4. Build your child's reading stamina. To build reading stamina, you may wish to encourage your child to increase gradually the amount of time they read at one sitting. Include short breaks, such as stretching or closing their eyes for a minute. Set individual reading goals based upon doing the "best that they can."
  5. Teach your child that visuals are part of the text. Students are often required to gather information from photos, captions, drawings, charts, and graphs. You can help by teaching your child to look at all of these materials as part of the total text.
  6. Help your child know how to use text-based support in written responses. Some items on the MAP assessments have multiple parts or require children to explain or show how they arrived at their answers. Children may receive only partial credit for answers to questions that are not supported with specific details or that do not contain an explanation.
  7. Teach your child to identify all parts of a question. Teach your child to identify exactly what each question is asking. Some questions have multiple parts, which are often combined into a single sentence with a single question mark at the end. Not answering all parts of a multi-part question is a common error.
  8. Teach your child to paraphrase test items, turning questions into statements. For example, the question, "Why did the main character play with the ball?" could be rephrased as "The main character played with the ball because ..." This practice allows the child to phrase the question in a way that makes the most sense to them. They are then ready to read the passage and look for answers.
  9. Prepare for testing day.
    • Be aware of the testing schedule.
    • Be certain that your child has had adequate rest (this may mean getting them used to an earlier bed time before the week of testing).
    • Be on time for school.
    • Avoid scheduling appointments that can be done at a later date.
    • Dress your child in layered clothing. This way, the child may add clothing to get warmer or remove some clothing to be cooler.
    • If your school allows it, make sure your child has a book to read when the testing session is complete.
    • Have a positive attitude.

About the Results

  • The individual student reports are from April/May, and may not be reflective of the academic progress your child has made since testing in April/May.
  • It is important to remember that the state-level results are only one indicator of your child's academic progress and represent only a small part of the larger educational picture of your child.
  • Only students in grades 3-8 will receive reports (K-2 do not participate in Grade Level MAP assessments, and 9-12 participate in End of Course Testing).
  • Your child's teachers will have a thorough understanding of your child's academic progress. Stay connected and informed with Rockwood educators for a comprehensive look at your child's academic achievements.
  • Please note, if your child took Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra 2, they participated in the respective End of Course (EOC) assessment in place of the Math GLA. Therefore, you will receive an EOC report for the corresponding math course.

If you need more information understanding the results, please contact your school office. For assistance accessing the report, please contact Rockwood Help Desk.