HeartBeat Check-In
The Rockwood HeartBeat Check-In is an ongoing process to solicit feedback to meet the needs of all members of our school community. These weekly checkpoints will be used to support re-entry transitions as we identify and respond to the needs of our students, staff and families.
As part of these activities, students and parents will be asked to complete an online questionnaire (3-5 questions) that encourages them to reflect on their own mindsets and approaches to learning. The information collected in the questionnaire will be shared with your child's school teacher for informational purposes only. It will not be used as part of their grade or academic record, and will not be used in any other way by staff members or other teachers at the school.
- Use the link provided in your email to access the survey.
- Complete one form for each middle school student.
- Make sure to select any school or grade that your children might currently be in.
- Choose an answer for each question.
- Use the Submit button at the bottom of the page once you are done.
- Please make sure you are completely finished before selecting Submit. You will not be able to change your selections once you have submitted your answers.
- When you have finished taking the survey, you will see this screen indicating you are all done!
If you have any technical issues, please reach out to the Assessment Department at 636-733-2140.