Behavior Supports
Contact Information
CUBS stands for Coaching Up Behaviors for Success and is the program name for Rockwood School District’s Behavior Supports Department. CUBS members are known as district behavior analysts and offer diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise.
Our department increases the educational team’s ability to practice and promote a growth mindset to ensure equitable access to the learning environment and educational experience for all students through the use of behavior analytic methodology and collaboration, training and support throughout Rockwood School District to ensure all staff thrive and all students realize their potential.
CUBS Core Values
Student Success
CUBS believes that the safety and welfare of our students are the pillars of their success in schools. We teach strategies, provide on-going training for staff, conduct assessments and create/revise current plans for student success.
CUBS values and invites collaboration among team, district and community members. We work to grow capacity within building teams to ensure student success and partnerships with families.
CUBS strives to bring all voices and perspectives to the table. We work on addressing building and district systems to ensure an equitable education for Rockwood students.