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Rockwood School District

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Communication Planning

Public school districts exist with the trust and permission of the school community. In Rockwood, every district initiative and project needs a communication plan in order to manage complex change and build awareness within our school community.

Communication is a management function in any organization. Rockwood Communications works with departments and schools to ensure a systematic flow of communication using a 10-step method that guides careful planning and alignment with the district's strategic goals.

Strategic communications planning is essential for any initiative. This worksheet is used to ensure the
various planning components are addressed.

Communications Planning Workflow

1. Goals

Broad statement of purpose – must be tied to district goal areas

  1. Student Academic Learning
  2. Universal Equity, Opportunity, Access
  3. Character and Well-Being
  4. Community Networks
  5. Efficiency and Effectiveness
  6. Staff, Teachers and Learners
  7. Strong Leadership

2. Objectives

Specific, Audience, Outcome, Measurement/Attainment Level (%) and Time Frame

3. Strategy

Approach to achieving the objectives

4. Audiences

Who needs to know?

  1. Internal
  2. External

5. Messages

What do they need to know? Why?

  1. Why is this change/action/event taking place?
  2. What does this mean for me? What is the impact to me?
  3. What do I need to do? Is there an action required of me?

6. Timeline

When do they need to know?

7. Tactics and Activities

How will messages be communicated?

  1. Internal
  2. External

8. Communication Channels

See the Communications Channels page for details.

9. Budget Considerations

10. Evaluation

How will we know the message has been received?

  • R - Research
  • P - Planning
  • I - Implementation
  • E - Evaluation