Administrative Titles
Superintendent of Schools
Capitalize only when used as a formal title before a name: Superintendent Curtis Cain, Ph.D. Preferred reference is: Curtis Cain, Ph.D., superintendent of schools. Always use the superintendent's full name in print.
Assistant Superintendent Human Resources
Do not abbreviate title. Preferred reference is: Dr. Kimberly Cohen, assistant superintendent human resources. Capitalize only when used as a formal title before a name: Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Dr. Kimberly Cohen.
Assistant Superintendent Supervision of Elementary Education
Do not abbreviate title. Preferred reference is: Dr. Paul Godwin, assistant superintendent supervision of elementary education. Capitalize only when used as a formal title before a name: Assistant Superintendent Supervision of Elementary Education Dr. Paul Godwin.
Assistant Superintendent Supervision of Secondary Education
Do not abbreviate title. Preferred reference is: Dr. Gary Jansen, assistant superintendent secondary education. Capitalize only when used as a formal title before a name: Assistant Superintendent Secondary Education Dr. Gary Jansen.
Assistant Superintendent Learning and Support Services
Do not abbreviate title. Preferred reference is: Dr. Shelley Willott, assistant superintendent learning and support services. Capitalize only when used as a formal title before a name: Assistant Superintendent Learning and Support Services Dr. Shelley Willott
Assistant Superintendent Student Services
Do not abbreviate title. Preferred reference is: Dr. Stephen Hankins, assistant superintendent student services. Capitalize only when used as a formal title before a name: Assistant Superintendent Student Services Dr. Stephen Hankins.
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Use acronym only on second reference. Preferred reference is: Cynthia Byous, chief financial officer. Capitalize only when used as a formal title before a name: Chief Financial Officer Cynthia Byous.
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Use acronym only on second reference. Preferred reference is: Robert Deneau, chief information officer. Capitalize only when used as a formal title before a name: Chief Information Officer Robert Deneau.
Director of Special Education
Do not abbreviate title. Preferred reference is: Dr. Carmen Harris, director of special education. Capitalize only when used as a formal title before a name: Director of Special Education Dr. Carmen Harris.
Chief Communications Officer
Do not abbreviate title. Preferred reference is: Mary LaPak, chief communications officer. Capitalize only when used as a formal title before a name: Chief Communications Officer Mary LaPak.