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Rockwood School District

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Digital camera

The Rockwood School District operates in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, or FERPA. This law allows students and parents to opt- out of the release of certain information about students including photographs. A school may disclose directory information to anyone, without consent, if it has given parents:

  1. general notice of the information it has designated as "directory information,"
  2. the right to opt-out of these disclosures, and,
  3. the period of time they have to notify the school of their desire to opt-out.

The Rockwood School Board, in Regulation 2400, has identified FERPA directory information to include:

  • Student name
  • Student birth date
  • Address of the student
  • Phone number of the student
  • Grade level
  • Major field of study
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degrees
  • Awards
  • Most previous school attended
  • Photographs
  • Email addresses of parent/guardian

Information that is not released:

  • Educational record (except information designated by the district as directory information)
  • Student health information

Sending Photos to Local Media

The communications department is happy to help you send photos to local media. Please
contact the communications department with events needing a photographer.

If the communications department cannot make it to the event, please designate a photographer
at your school. Send the photos to the communications department for distribution to local media.