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Rockwood School District

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Official Enrollment

Official enrollment for the 2022-2023 school year is 19,886 Rockwood students in grades K-12. The last Wednesday of September is considered "Count Day" across Missouri, which is the date when all school districts officially count and report student enrollment to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.


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Actual Enrollment for the Rockwood School District

School Year Actual Enrollment
2014-2015 21,312
2015-2016 21,026
2016-2017 20,853
2017-2018 20,861
2018-2019 20,794
2019-2020 20,912
2020-2021 20,125
2021-2022 20,286
2022-2023 19,886

Projected Enrollment for the Rockwood School District

School Year Projected Enrollment
2023-2024 19,631
2024-2025 19,502
2025-2026 19,322