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Rockwood School District

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Strategies and Core Values

Two students work on laptops during summer school

Mission Statement

To provide the quality and breadth of financial services necessary for the Rockwood School District to be an institution of distinctive and high quality pre-kindergarten through 12th grade education, leading others by our example.


The following strategies represent ongoing commitments that provide the foundation for the successful achievement of our Mission.

Provide leadership, responsible stewardship of financial resources, and quality services to enhance and support the Rockwood School District's mission and goals. Provide an environment that attracts and retains a highly qualified, effective, and diverse workforce. Provide positive recognition to such workforce on a regular basis.

Advance Rockwood School District's objectives through effective communication with local, state and national organizations including governmental agencies that regulate or affect the District.

Foster a working and learning environment for students, faculty and staff that enhances the quality of life for all.

Core Values


Our conduct conforms to the highest ethical standards. Service and decisions are honest, fair and demonstrate respect for our customers and each other. Our day-to-day interactions are direct and honest.


We lead by example, are creative, innovative and resourceful and change when new information requires it. We encourage innovative new ideas-supported by thought and data.


We look to our team to help make the best decisions, recognizing others' strengths and supporting others' weaknesses. We are a resource for one another through encouraging team learning, asking the right questions, and endeavoring to extend team building to all staff. The strength and courage of our convictions provides team support for results.


By individual actions and collective responses, our staff determines our reputation within the District, community, and beyond. We value diversity, collaborative communication, and the recognition of people's contributions. For our long-term psychological and physical wellness, the importance of work/family balance as well as humor in the workplace is encouraged.


The Finance Department strives for excellence in all service areas and to meet or exceed expectations of Rockwood School District students, taxpayers, community, and colleagues through continuous quality improvement of our services, resources, and products.


We are leaders in the stewardship of the Rockwood School District's financial resources. Stewardship is accomplished by:

  • Treating staff and faculty with fairness and respect.
  • Offering high quality, cost-effective, and efficient services.
  • Utilizing effective business procedures and controls.


We actively listen and provide for the needs of the students, community and staff to enable us to meet the needs of the learners in our community. We provide the necessary services to successfully maintain the financial support of the learning process.