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Medical Plans for Retirees Under 65

Our Medical provider is Cigna.  You can call them at 1-800-244-6224, visit their website or download their mobile app. 

If you are considering changing plans during Open Enrollment and need to know what the cost of medications are on the other plan, click here.  Select either Tan or Green, click on Price a Medication, type in the name of the medication and your demographics and you should be able to find the costs of your medications on the other plan. 

Our Pharmacy provider is Express-Scripts.  You can call them at 1-844-494-1052, visit their website, or download their mobile app.

Retirees on the standard plan and under 65 have two choices for their medical plan: the Cigna Green Plan and the Cigna Tan High Deductible Plan. Pharmacy coverage for both plans is through Express Scripts.

Neither of these plans requires the election of a primary care physician or the need to obtain referrals for specialized care. Both plans provide 100% coverage for well-care when using in-network providers. Both plans utilize the same network of physicians.

However, there are differences in how the plans work and your out of pocket expenses.

Tan Plan

  • Lowest Premiums
  • High deductible plan qualifies you for a Health Savings Account.
  • Once the deductible is met, the plan pays 90% coinsurance.
  • Only copays are for prescriptions. You pay a copay for prescriptions after you reach your deductible.
  • Lowest Out of Pocket Max (OPM)

Green Plan

  • Highest premiums
  • Low deductible
  • Once the deductible is met, the plan pays 80% coinsurance.
  • Copays for office visits, but copays do not go toward meeting the deductible. Copays do go toward meeting the Out of Pocket Max.
  • Highest Out of Pocket Max (OPM)

For the retirees that were offered the Essential plan as employees and therefore eligible for the essential plan as a retiree, there is more information for the essential plan below.

Tan Plan Summary Plan Description (SPD) 2024-25

Green Plan Summary Plan Description (SPD) 2024-25

Essential Plan

Be sure and visit the Wellness site on the right hand side for wellness classes and opportunities to earn cash for wellness choices.

Use your Cigna ID card at the doctor or hospital and your Express-Scripts ID card at the pharmacy. Whenever possible, generics provide the most economical way to fill your prescriptions. You will pay the full cost of the medication until the plan deductible is met. After the deductible is met, you will pay 30 percent of the cost and the plan will pay 70 percent.​


Cigna is no longer mailing out ID cards unless you call them and request one or visit the MyCigna Customer Portal website.  Once you have logged in, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Get an ID Card.

You can also access your ID card on the Cigna app.  Download the app for Apple devices on the App Store or on Google Play for Android devices.

Prescription Information

The price of our prescriptions is determined by the tier it falls under.  The three tiers are Generic, Preferred and Non-Preferred.  You can find in-network pharmacies and a list of covered prescriptions by logging into the Express-Scripts website or downloading their app. 

For maintenance medications, you will want to order a 90 day supply from Express-Scripts home delivery or at a participating retail pharmacy (this could be Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Schnucks, etc.).  Remember, it must be a 90 day supply.  If you order a 30 day supply more than 2 times, you will pay the full retail price of the maintenance medication.

See your Benefit Guide for more information.

Eligible for Medicare

Rockwood offers retirees a Medicare Advantage Plan for retirees once they are eligible for Medicare.