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Rockwood School District

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Site-Based Learning

A curriculum coordinator works with teachers on a Professional Learning Day

The goal of professional learning at the school sites is to provide time for the staff in each building to implement the curricular and instructional goals of their school improvement plans. Professional learning activities at the site-level:

Address gaps between student goals and performance.

  • Are school-based and job-embedded with collaborative problem-solving activities geared toward closing these gaps.
  • Are ongoing and continuous.
  • Supported by multiple resources and organizational structures.
  • Part of a comprehensive change process.

Early release time is allotted each month specifically for professional learning at the site level for both elementary and middle schools. At the high schools, late start dates allow for teachers to work in professional learning communities to address student needs and continue their professional learning.

Schools find additional time during the school day to meet in vertical and horizontal teams with a focus on curriculum implementation. Professional learning activities at the site level must align with the academic goals of the school improvement plan and follow Rockwood's "Guidelines for Site-Based Professional Learning." At the site level, teachers are members of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) that meet on a regular basis. PLCs operate with a commitment to the norms of continuous improvement and experimentation and engage their members in improving their daily work to advance the achievement of school district and school goals for student learning. PLCs concern themselves with practical ways to improve teaching and learning.

The Professional Development Committee (PDC) allocates funds for each school's site-based professional learning activities. Schools must first submit a proposal with a budget request for expenditures. Proposals must align with the goals of the school's improvement plan and follow the "PDC Entitlement Grant Fund Guidelines."