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Rockwood School District

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Mutual combat in which both parties have contributed to the conflict by physical action.

First Offense: 3-180 days out-of-school suspension or expulsion.

Subsequent Offense(s): 6-180 days out-of-school suspension or expulsion.

Never should additional persons enter a fight. If this happens, the additional persons entering the fight will be suspended out-of-school 3-10 days with a possible recommendation for a suspension up to 180 additional school days.

Students instigating, disrupting or failing to disperse (immediately) when instructed; may receive 3-5 days ISS or will be suspended out-of-school 3-10 days with a possible recommendation for a suspension up to 180 days. Instigating fights includes recording, videotaping, and/or electronically sharing or posting images, audio, or video of fights. The district has jurisdiction over electronic sharing and posting that uses the district's technology resources or that originates on district property, at a district activity or on district transportation. Even when electronic sharing or posting does not involve district property, activities or technology resources, the district will impose consequences and discipline for those who engage in such activities if there is a sufficient nexus to the educational environment, the behavior materially and substantially disrupts the educational environment, the communication involves a threat as defined by law, or the district is otherwise allowed by law to address the behavior.