Technology Devices
Student use of computers, computer hardware, software, networks and files contained therein which are property of the district is restricted to course related work unless prior approval is received from authorized staff. Unauthorized use of computers may result in detention, suspension, restricted use of computers and remuneration. Legal authorities may also be contacted.
For Early Childhood - Grade 5/Middle School - Grade 6-8
Students in Early Childhood and grades K-8 may possess and use personal technology devices at school only in accordance with the conditions set below:
Personal technology devices may be used on school premises before the school day begins and after the school day ends. Use of these devices on school premises during the school day is prohibited unless they are used for instructional purposes only as deemed appropriate and necessary by staff.
Classroom teachers and building administrators will determine when and how technology devices can be used. There will be times when use of these devices will not be allowed.
Students are prohibited from using devices in dressing rooms, locker rooms or restrooms. Cameras or recording devices may not be used at any time at school or on school busses. Infractions may lead to other school policy violations.
Use or display of these items other than described may result in up to three days in- school suspension. Repeated offenses could result in increased consequences. If such items are used in such a way as to substantially disrupt the school environment, the student may be suspended for up to ten (10) school days out-of-school with a possible recommendation for a suspension up to 180 school days or expulsion. School administrators will investigate the reason for use of an electronic device by a student to determine if other district policies are also applicable, which could result in an increase in the discipline. (i.e. using a personal technology device for the purpose of cheating on a test would also be subject to policies governing academic dishonesty). Laser pointers are allowed only for demonstration purposes. The district will not be responsible or liable for any damage, loss or theft of personal technology devices (Regulation 6320)
The administration may search personal technology devices if they have reasonable suspicion that a search would reveal school rules have been violated.
For the High School
Students in grades 9-12 may possess and use technology devices at school in accordance with the conditions set below:
Classroom teachers and building administrators will determine when and how technology devices can be used. There will be times when use of these devices will not be allowed.
Students are prohibited from using devices in dressing rooms, locker rooms or restrooms. Cameras or recording devices may not be used at any time at school or on school buses.
Use or display of these items other than described may result in up to three days in- school suspension. Repeated offenses could result in increased consequences. If such items are used in such a way as to substantially disrupt the school environment, the student may be suspended for up to ten (10) school days out-of-school with a possible recommendation for a suspension up to 180 school days or expulsion. School administrators will investigate the reason for use of an electronic device by a student to determine if other district policies are also applicable, which could result in an increase in the discipline. (i.e. using personal technology device for the purpose of cheating on a test would also be subject to policies governing academic dishonesty). Laser pointers are allowed only for demonstration purposes. The district will not be responsible or liable for any damage, loss or theft of personal technology devices. (Regulation 6320)
The administration may search personal technology devices if they have reasonable suspicion that a search would reveal school rules have been violated.