If you forget your Username and/or Password, links are provided on the sign-in page to have them sent to the security email address you provided when setting up your portal account.
Navigate between tools using the menu on the left. On mobile devices, this menu shrinks to a "hamburger" or "three bars" icon to save space. Click the Person icon in the top right to log out or view Notification Settings.
Find a Student Number
Log into the Campus Parent Portal.
Select Today from the menu on the left.
Select your student on the right-hand side. If you have multiple students, choose one by clicking on the down arrow.
Your Student’s Name, Student Number, Current School Enrollment and Grade will be shown.
Locating Family and Address Information
Log into the Campus Parent Portal.
Select More from the menu on the left.
Select Family Information. This section contains contact information for all the parent/guardians in the household as well as the students. OR, select Address Information. This section contains the household phone number and address.
If any of the above needs to be updated, please contact your child's school.
Message Center
The Message Center includes announcements are posted at a school or district level. Click Show More to display additional text for longer announcements. Announcements display based on the timeline set by the creator and cannot be deleted or archived. Additionally, the Inbox displays messages sent to the student, including those from teachers.
The Today view shows the student's schedule for the current day and lists any assignments due today or tomorrow.
The schedule shows the period times for that day and the student's courses, with the teacher's name and room assigned.
The assignments list covers all of the student's courses, including those that may not meet on the current day. Click on the assignment or the course name to view details.
The Calendar displays data in three different modes, Assignments, Schedule, and Attendance.
For Assignments and Attendance, dots display below dates that have data. Select a mode and date to view data for that day. For Assignments and Attendance, dots display below dates that have data. Select a mode and date to view data for that day.
In Assignments mode, a button displays to show the Weekly Overview, which shows all assignments for the selected week.
The Assignments tool collects all of a student's assignments with the focus on today. Click assignments to view details and scroll to see previous and future assignments.
Use the Missing and Current Term buttons at the top to filter assignments.
The Grades tool shows all of the grades earned by the student for all tasks (such as Quarter or Semester grades) and standards. Posted grades are displayed in bold, with some grades indicated as In-progress.
Where the grey arrow displays for a task or standard, click the task to view the categories that contribute to the grade. Expand categories to view all included assignments. Click individual assignments to view details.
Grade Book Updates
Grade Book Updates lists all of the assignments that have been scored or otherwise updated in the last 14 days.
Click on the assignment or the course name to view details.
The Attendance tool lists the absences and tardies in the selected semester. Navigate between terms using the options at the top. Click on a period to view details. On the detail view, absences and tardies are divided by type (excused, unexcused, exempt, or unknown), with all absences and tardies listed below.
When attendance is recorded via present minutes, this attendance screen displays the total Present Time and Expected Time by section. Click on a section to view the Time In, Time Out, and Present Time recorded by date.
The Schedule tool shows the student's schedule for each semester.
Each schedule includes the times of the periods during the day and the student's courses, with the teacher's name and room assigned. The day type is indicated in the top right corner of the schedule. Click on the course name to view details.
The Reports tool collects files relevant to the student such as report cards and transcripts, and missing assignments.
Click on an entry to view the file in PDF.
The More tab displays the following:
Address Information
Family Information
Important Dates such as holidays, late starts, and other school calendar events
Online Enrollment (includes new enrollment and census verification)
This may not turned on for all schools.
The Notifications drop down list shows a simple list of notifications the student has received, such as graded assignments.
Click the user menu at the top right of screen to establish Notification Settings.
Notification Settings
Notification settings allow users to can opt out of receiving specific kinds of notifications and establish thresholds for those they want to receive. Set thresholds to only receive notifications when a grade or score falls below the selected percentage. Click the arrows to change the threshold or click and drag the dot.
Do you have your own account? If you are a parent, make sure you are using Campus Parent. If you are a student, make sure you are using Campus Student. This allows for your Campus record and the relationships set up between you and your children to connect properly. Ask your school for your own account.
If you don't remember your username or password, click the links for "forgot your username?" or "forgot your password?" to have them sent to your email address. Please check your junk/clutter folder if you don't see it in your inbox.
Parents who attempt to sign in to the Student Portal will see the following message:
"Welcome to Campus Student! There is no data to display, please contact your district for more information. Click below if you wish to log in to Campus Parent instead."