Technology Guidelines
Rockwood will continue to provide technology for our students. However, many students have their own technology that they would prefer to use to support their learning. Please note the guidelines listed below for the use of personal technology by our students and staff members.
- The classroom teacher and building administration may restrict use.
- Students and staff (users) are responsible for appropriate behavior on personal technology devices.
- Users agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner, use good judgment, show respect for people and property and demonstrate ethical decision-making.
- Technical support of personal technology devices will be the sole responsibility of the user. District staff will not provide technical support for personal devices.
- The district will not be responsible or liable for any damage, loss or theft of personal technology devices.
- Users must report lost or stolen devices to school administrators/staff or the School Resource Officer as soon as they are aware of an event occurring.
- All devices, including personal technology devices, connected to the district's wireless network will have filtered Internet access.
- Any attempt to bypass network filtering or altering the wireless network is prohibited.
- All users of the district's network, including those using the wireless component through personal technology devices, are subject to the provisions and requirements of Policy 6321: Internet Usage and Regulation 6321: Internet Usage.
- As with district-owned computers, there is no expectation of privacy when using personal technology devices connected to the district network. The district reserves the right to monitor, log and review all activity on personal technology devices connected to the district network.
- If personal technology devices are used inappropriately and/or become a disruption to the learning environment, the device may be confiscated by a building principal or designee.
- Using a personally-owned technology device for illegal or prohibited reasons, to disrupt the educational process, to bully, harass, threaten others, or to endanger the health or safety of any user is forbidden.
- Students are prohibited from using personally owned technological devices in dressing rooms, locker rooms, bathrooms or other locations that are deemed private in nature by the building administrator.
- The district provides no guarantee of Internet service and/or quality of service for personal technology devices connected to the district's wireless network.
- Access to printing devices will not be provided. Students will need to utilize e-mail or personal storage devices to transfer files to district computers for printing.
- Users are responsible for charging their own devices. There are a limited number of electrical outlets in any given classroom and they may only be used with the permission of building staff and connected in a safe manner. Students should charge their technology before arriving at school.
- Students who bring in personal technology devices are not required to purchase special applications for use in class.
- Teachers are encouraged to assign projects that are device-neutral using common file formats.
- Staff downloading email from a district account to a personal device must password protect the personal device to better secure potentially sensitive information.
- Sensitive data is not to be stored on personal devices. The district reserves the right to remotely wipe this data from personal devices.
- Consequences may be given to users based on the district's Policies, Regulations and the Policy and Procedure Handbook.