We do whatever it takes to ensure all students realize their potential.
In This Section
By The Numbers
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) website contains pertinent school-related data at the state level, district level and school level. You may view more information on the Missouri Comprehensive Data System.
Our Schools
19 Elementary Schools
6 Middle Schools
4 High Schools
Official Enrollment: 18,935
11 National Blue Ribbon Schools
15 Missouri Gold Star Schools of Excellence
2016 National District of Character
21 National Schools of Character
25 Missouri Schools of Character
Separate Campuses for Gifted and Early Childhood
Our Students
Student to teacher ratio (average) 15:1
190 students to administrators
Graduation Rate: 96.1%
Dropout Rate: 0.9%
Our Staff
Total Employees: 3,372 (This number does not include seasonal employees or substitute teachers.)