Rockwood is committed to professional, prudent and conservative financial management, which includes the involvement of community business leaders, taxpayers, parents, teachers, staff and administrators, with oversight by the Board of Education.
The Rockwood School District is the only district in the state of Missouri to hold all four of the following financial recognitions:
- AAA Rating with Standard & Poor's. Rockwood is one of only four districts in the state to hold this rating.
- Rockwood has earned the ASBO Meritorious Budget Award for 23 straight years. It is currently one of only seven school districts in the state to receive the award.
- Rockwood has earned the Certificate of Excellence (COE) in financial reporting from the ASBO for 18 straight years. It is currently one of only four districts in the state to receive the award.
- Rockwood has earned the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in financial reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA). Rockwood has received this recognition for 18 straight years.
In addition, the district consistently receives a top-level (unmodified) opinion in our annual independent audits and the district’s director of finance has earned certification for fiscal credibility.