Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the benefits of being a district-recognized booster group?
- As a district-recognized booster group, do we keep our money in our own bank account or do we have to give it to Rockwood to manage?
- As a district-recognized Booster club, if we hold a fundraiser such as a camp, do we have to give a percentage of our profits to Rockwood?
- Do district-recognized booster groups have to submit their annual budget to Rockwood for approval or make their financial information available to Rockwood (i.e. banking accounts, monthly treasurer reports, income tax reports)?
- What other financial parameters do district-recognized booster groups need to comply with?
- Does Rockwood file the annual tax forms for district-recognized booster groups?
- Do district-recognized booster groups have to pay any fees to use Rockwood facilities?
- What activities are covered by the Rockwood paid insurance for district-recognized booster groups?
- What happens if a non-district group damages equipment that was purchased for the school by a district-recognized booster group?
- What happens if a booster group chooses to be non-district recognized?