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Rockwood School District

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Advocacy Committee Agenda 9.9.24

Advocacy Committee Agenda 9.9.24

Board Advocacy Committee Meeting


September 9, 2024; 3:00 p.m.

Rockwood Administrative Center


Advocacy Committee Members: Tamara Rhomberg, Kary Bachert, Izzy Imig

   Superintendent Dr. Curtis Cain

Chief Communications Officer Mary LaPak


  • Review website
  • Identify and assign roles within the Advocacy Committee
  • Set future meetings and create a timeline
  • Identify the legislative calendar
  • Identify the legislative "road map" 
  • Consider the feasibility of participating in the Missouri School Board Association legislative day
  • Attend associated Missouri School Board Association conferences/workshops related to public education legislation
  • Determine Investigate additional communication options


Advocacy Committee Website


Rockwood Mission

We do whatever it takes to ensure all students realize their potential.