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Advocacy Committee Minutes 9.9.24

Advocacy Committee Minutes 9.9.24

Board Advocacy Committee Meeting


September 9, 2024; 3:00 p.m.

Rockwood Administrative Center


Advocacy Committee Members Present: Tamara Rhomberg, Kary Bachert, Izzy Imig

   Superintendent Dr. Curtis Cain

Chief Communications Officer Mary LaPak


  • Review website
    Discussion held around adding additional links to the Advocacy Committee page on the district website, to include:

o    Link to RSD legislators

o    Link to plug in address and find legislator

o    Link to subscribe to MSBA Legislative Voice

o    Link to senate bill tracker on gov website

o    Link to house bill tracker on gov website

o    Link to our legislative priorities page

  • Identify and assign roles within the Advocacy Committee
    Committee members agreed that Director Kary Bachert would act as Chair of the Advocacy Committee
  • Set future meetings and create a timeline
    Committee members agreed to the following dates/times for future committee meetings:

o    Tues. Dec. 10 ( all 2-3pm at Admin Center)

o    Tues. Mar. 11

o    Tues. Apr. 8

o    Tues. May 13

                           Committee members discussed the following timeline:


§  Oct. - MSBA Conference

§  Dec. 10 Committee Meeting - review legislative platform from EdPlus 

§  Dec. 17 BOE meeting - update board and vote on legislative platform

§  Legislative session begins Jan. 7 and goes through May (or longer)

§  Feb. 21 - Legislative Breakfast

§  Mar. 11 Committee Meeting

§  April 8 Committee Meeting (Advocacy Day is typically the first or second week of April)

§  May 13 Committee Meeting

  • Identify the legislative calendar
    Committee members agreed that the Legislative session begins Jan. 7 and typically goes through May (or longer).
  • Identify the legislative "road map" 
    Discussion held that the committee would follow MSBA’s communication (Legislative Voice) and seek additional information as needed.
  • Consider the feasibility of participating in the Missouri School Board Association legislative day
    Committee members discussed that this year’s date had not been scheduled yet, but that it was April 8 in 2024.
  • Attend associated Missouri School Board Association conferences/workshops related to public education legislation
  • Determine Investigate additional communication options
    Committee members suggested that following each committee meeting, the committee members will share out at the next board meeting and then the next Presidents’ Forum Meeting. Suggestions also included sharing in Board Focus, 5 Things and updating the committee website. Committee members agreed that an invitation should be drafted to invite our area legislators to the next Board Award Night, scheduled for Dec. 5, 2024.



Advocacy Committee Website


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