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Rockwood School District

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Communications, Outreach and Public Engagement


The Rockwood Board of Education established the Communications, Outreach and Public Engagement Committee (COPE) in 2013 to establish connections with the Rockwood school community.


Mary Lapak

Mary Lapak

Chief Communication Officer

Committee Members

Board Members Kary Bachert, Izzy Imig and Tamara Jo Rhomberg; Superintendent Dr. Curtis Cain; Chief Communications Officer Mary LaPak.

Resolution to Establish the Committee

WHEREAS, The Rockwood School District Board of Education desires to enhance its internal and external means of communications so as to increase awareness and understanding of the rationale behind Board actions and policies; and

WHEREAS, The Board of Education desires the discussions at Board of Education business meetings to increasingly inform staff and the public of major issues being addressed by the school system, with due regard given in each major presentation to alignment with the strategic plan, and pertinent matters of board governance and guiding policy; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education desires to expand opportunities, through multiple media formats, to more systematically gather perceptions and viewpoints from diverse segments of the community and staff; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Board of Education establish a five-member Communications and Public Engagement Committee, whose membership shall be designated by the Board President (after soliciting interest from among the directors), and shall include the Superintendent and the Chief Communications Officer. Three members of the Board shall be chosen annually, prior to July 1, to serve on this committee.


  • To enhance the Board's use of external and internal mechanisms of communications;
  • To enhance the Board's discussions and presentations at the Board table during business meetings;
  • To enhance opportunities to gather perceptions and viewpoints from diverse segments of the community and staff;
  • To enhance other means to promote good communications and public engagement that further the mission of the Board of Education to provide leadership and oversight of the school system.

Key Messages

  • Provides a variety of ways for the community to learn about Board decisions and actions;
  • Conducts business meetings in an open and transparent manner;
  • Seeks input and feedback from RSD patrons regarding district issues and concerns for consideration in making data-driven decisions;
  • Follows established protocols for responding to requests and questions from RSD patrons and staff;
  • Provides easily accessible information about Board policies and regulations.