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Rockwood School District

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Career Shadowing

The Rockwood Partners in Education (PIE) Career Shadowing program provides students with the opportunity to explore career areas of interest through on-site visits and virtual chats with industry professionals!

Career Shadowing opportunities are open to all Rockwood students in grades 9-12. Students interested in participating in an on-site experience must have reliable transportation. Students can participate in the program in the Fall and/or Spring semesters. Students are limited to one experience per semester. Students are also eligible to earn hours towards the A+ program through this experience.


Contact Information

Matthew Schindler

Unconditional Support of Student Interests

We cannot emphasize enough that this is a student-driven program.

We will support students' career interests in any field.  For example, Ava Rhine (Summit, Class of '24), had a desire to learn more about sound studio engineering.  She took her acoustic guitar down to Shock City Studios  where she, along with some other students, took turns playing and recording music.  Below is the audio recording of her playing Michael Jackson's Billie Jean.  She paired the audio with a video she recorded and posted it to her YouTube Channel.

Billie Jean - Michael Jackson - Fingerstyle Guitar - Arrangement by James Bartholomew

More Career Shadowing Moments

Sports management shadow at Busch stadium with the St. Louis Cardinals
Sports management shadow at Busch stadium with the St. Louis Cardinals, audio visual careers
Graphic Design shadow with St. Louis Blues at the Enterprise Center
Accounting shadow with St. Louis Blues at the Enterprise Center
Investment banking shadow at Stifel Public Finance office
Financial Advising shadow with Michele Clark at Acropolis
Real Estate shadow with Ms. Sarah Hubmeyer at Red Key Realty
Broadcast Journalism shadow at KMOV, meterology
Broadcast Journalism shadow at KMOV, news room
Meterology shadow at National Weather Service
Print Journalism shadow with St. Louis Post Dispatch
Video Game & Software Development shadow with Riot Games
Software Development shadow with NGA @ Moonshot Labs
Dentist and hygienist shadow with Dr. Dan Bergman
Orthodontics shadow with Alizadeh & Schreiner
Sports Medicine shadow with Dr. Griener
Physical Therapy shadow with Ms. Jeannie Sitles
Radiologist and ultrasound tech shadow with Excel Imaging
Chiropractor shadow with Comprehensive Chiropractic
EMT Shadow with MetroWest
Baking & culinary shadow with Smallcakes
Veterinairian shadow with Dr. Allison at World Brd Sanctuary
Marine Biologist shadow at St. Louis Aquarium
Esthetician shadow at Face & Body
Hair stylist shadow at local salon
Forensic science shadow with Professor Hall at SLU
Law careers with Judge Brian May
Criminal justice careers at Thomas Eagleton Federal Courthouse
Landscape architect shadow with SWT Design
Education Shadow at Eureka Elementary
Education shadow at Kehrs Mill Elementary
Engineering shadow at Boeing
Engineering shadow at Boeing
Aviation shadow at Spirit Airport
Aviation shadow at Spirit Airport
Soar Into Stem program hosted by Wings of Hope
Precision Maching shadow with Seyer Industries
Robotics shadow with Neff Power
Civil engineering shadow with Ameren
Mechanical Engineering shadow with Ameren
Agriculture science shadow at Benson Hill
lab science careers shadow with MilliporeSigma
Architecture shadow with Green Street Real Estate Ventures
Construction and project management with McCarthy Builders, VR headset
Construction and project management with McCarthy Builders, exterior worksite
Construction and project management with McCarthy Builders, interior worksite
Coding & software development shadow with QFlow
Build My Future Heavy Machinery Shadow
Build My Future bobcat shadow
Build My Future tiling shadow
Sound Studio shadow with Shock City Studios
Sound Studio shadow with Shock City Studios in the recording studio
Health Science career shadow at STLCC, respriation therapy classroom
Health Science career shadow at STLCC, mock ambulance lab
Aviation and aerospace careers with FlightSafety
Aviation and aerospace careers with FlightSafety cockpit simulator
Pscyholgy and mental health career experince with Lindenwood University
lab science careers shadow with MilliporeSigma, filtration lab
Emergency response sahdow with MetroWest
Air traffic controller shadow with Mr. Kevin Cook at TRACON
Culinary shadow with Chef Mathis @ Veritas
Audio and Visual Career shadow at Pathfinder Church
Interior Desgin shadow with Marica Morre Design
Family practice shadow with Dr. Otto at SproutMD
Joel Pikey
General Surgery
Derm path
Dr Page
Surgery Lab

Build My Future

This is an incredible event highlighting dozens of debt-free careers in construction and the skilled trades.

Build My Future STL gives students the opportunity to spend a day in the construction industry through an interactive showcase comprised of educational displays, equipment, operations and learning labs—all provided by our local industry partners.  If interested in attending this event, fill out the current Shadow Application above. 

Soar Into STEM

In addition to the job shadowing opportunities this spring, Rockwood students have been invited to take part in an incredibly special opportunity at Spirit Airport through the acclaimed organization Wings of Hope.

This program, Soar into STEM is unique in that your attendance will be required on five Saturdays in the fall or spring, for about five hours each Saturday. To apply, please click the link for the Wings of Hope Student Application above and be prepared to include a personal statement of up to 300 words that tells us why you would like to participate in this opportunity. A selection committee will then choose six students to represent Rockwood. Please know that on the fourth Saturday, every student will be required to do a brief presentation on what they have learned during the program. Those that score a 75% or higher on that presentation will be invited on a flight over the St. Louis region!