Staff Grant Programs
Who is your Grant Committee?
- Your PTO/PSO Board (entire board / specific board members)
- Staff Members
- Open committee to any volunteers who would like to participate
- Will you have the building principal review applications for appropriateness of grant---does it support approved learning in the school?
- Are there other means for funding that the school or district has available?
How Much and How Often?
- Where is the money coming from to support the Grant Program?
- Is it part of your budget?
- Does it come from a surplus?
- How many times will you offer a grant cycle and when will the cycles be offered?
Announcement to Staff
- How will you announce the grants to the staff?
- Who is eligible?
- When are grant applications due? When will you meet to review grants? When will approval notice be given?
- Are Grant applications available online, hard copy, or both?
Grant Program Application
- What does your grant application look like?
- Purpose of the grant/description
- How many students will benefit?
- How will the proposal enrich the educational experiences and/or well-being of students?
- Timeline for proposal, including when funds will be spent and when students will begin to benefit
- Detailed budget
- Grant criteria, terms and conditions
Rubric for Scoring Grant Applications
- What rubric will you use to score each application?
- How will you determine what grants to approve if you have too many requests for the funds available?
- Do you always use the rubric?
- Will you grant partial requests?
Grant Review Meeting
- When will the grant review committee meet after the grant submission deadline?
- If there are further questions to ask of an applicant, who will handle asking the questions and sharing responses?
- During the review process, the committee may find suggestions for grant applicants to help save funds - who will share these suggestions?
- Consideration for ongoing maintenance for a purchase? Examples would be: a Polaroid camera that requires continual purchase of film, bean bags that need to be refilled, colored markers for writing program that will run out.
Grant Approvals
- How will you announce the grants you have decided to approve?
- Official letter (dropped in mailboxes, hand delivered?)
- Email notification
- Prize patrol style announcement
- What to include in an approval?
- Approval letter including the dollar amount approved with any
- PTO/PSO reimbursement request form
- Reminder of PTO/PSO tax-exempt status and where staff can find a PTO/PSO tax-exempt letter.
Announcing Grants Awarded
- Who should know the types and amounts of grants that have been awarded? EVERYONE!
- Your PTO/PSO board, especially the treasurer
- Your school's administration team
- Finance Secretary for the school because they may be doing some of the purchasing
- Letting the staff know what kinds of grants have been awarded may spark some ideas in staff who do not typically apply
- Families - share the information in your regular email notifications to families and share the information at your PTO/PSO meetings. Let families know what their donations are helping to provide for the school!
Keeping Track of Grant Payments
- Develop a system with the treasurer for how grant payments will be tracked. A shared Google Doc?
- How will the grant committee know who has submitted for reimbursement for their grant and who has not?
- Do you have an announced deadline of when reimbursement requests must be received?
- Will you reach out to staff who have not submitted for reimbursement to check in on them?
- What happens to funds not used if grants program is part of your PTO budget? Do these then go towards school wish list/gifts to school items?
In Between Grant Cycle Requests
- How will you handle time-sensitive grant requests made between cycles? An opportunity has popped up but waiting for the next grant cycle will mean a missed
- Will you consider them?
- If so, will you have a formal Grant Committee meeting or will you discuss/approve via email?
Check out the Grant Program sample documents on the PTO Today website.