For Vice Presidents
Role and Responsibilities
- Assist the president
- Perform the duties of the president if the president is absent or unable to serve
- Participate in executive board meetings and provide input for decisions
- Be an ambassador for the PTO and the school
Additional duties may include those outlined in the organization's bylaws, including, but not limited to:
- Oversee committees, train committee chairpersons, and act as a liaison between committee chairpersons and the executive board
- Oversee fundraising selection, planning, and evaluation
- Serve as PTO parliamentarian
- Serve as a bylaws expert
- Be a liaison for new families
- Lead the annual membership drive
Typical Monthly Duties
- Participate in executive board meetings
- Participate in general meetings
Typical Annual Duties
- Familiarize yourself with Robert’s Rules of Order
- Familiarize yourself with the PTO’s bylaws
- Other tasks as designated by the executive board
Where to Go for Help
- One-on-one with the outgoing vice president
- PTO Today’s Leader’s Toolkit
- Articles about vice president topics
- Past files and examples
- Google Drive set up by previous vice president