Volunteer Training
Why Annual Volunteer Training is a Good Idea
- Group training establishes common practice across the PTO
- Especially important in years with high turnover
- Helps Volunteers feel more comfortable in their role and a part of the school community. Think back to when you first started volunteering!
When and Where Should Training Take Place
- At the beginning of the school year before most programs are underway
- Timing depends on your volunteer pool: Daytime or Evening Sessions or both
- Have it at your school so you can include a tour of important places in the building
Topics to Cover in Training
- Contact information for PTO Board Members, Organizational Chart
- Generic timeline for planning an event and checklist: make sure space is reserved through the office, know committee’s budget, order tables and chairs if needed, cash box request, when/how to start promoting, etc.
- Ways your PTO promotes events: Facebook, Peachjar, School Newsletter/Website
- Financial forms & Money Handling Procedures: Reimbursement, Deposit, Cash Box, etc.
- Only PTO Board Members are bonded to sign contracts with vendors
- Committee Report: Have committee chair fill out a form with all of this information to ease transition.
- Conclude training with a tour of important places in the school:
- Office-introduce to office staff
- PTO filing cabinet/mailbox, PTO Storage
- Other places of interest: Copy Room, Staff Mailboxes, Construction Paper Closet, etc.