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Rockwood School District

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Six members of the Rockwood Gives Back Steering Committee standing and smiling


We support the district mission of doing whatever it takes to ensure all students realize their potential. Rockwood Gives Back provides assistance to students who have a demonstrated need - whether it be food, clothing, tutoring or more. We want to remove obstacles to learning and help students achieve their goals.


As our organization grows through the kindness and generosity of our Rockwood school community, our team of volunteers will continue to explore ways we can make a difference for our children and our families in need.

Steering Committee

These members will ensure the organization is productive and reflective of our purpose: Jaime Bayes, Mary LaPak, Loralee Mondl, Maureen Smith, Dan Steinbruegge and Dr. Cassandra Suggs.


Rockwood employees, friends of the school district, students, parents, businesses and community organizations are invited to contribute on a voluntary basis and through special fundraising activities.

Standing Committees

  • Assistance: Helping those in need
  • Communication: Telling our stories
  • Development: Exploring the future direction  
  • Finance: Being accountable to our donors