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Rockwood School District

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Community Service Providers

Rockwood Gives Back is a group of volunteers who work in partnership with our school community to help our students who need it the most.

Poverty presents real barriers in the life of a child and his or her education. In Rockwood, we see children who need food for times when they do not have school meals. We see children who need clothing and coats during these winter months.  We also see children in need of medical check-ups, dental cleaning or other professional services.

Would you please consider joining Rockwood Gives Back as a community service provider?  Here is how it works:

  • At times, our Rockwood school nurses and social workers may notice a student who needs an item or a service; however, their families have no resources to address these needs.
  • When RGB is informed of this child in need, we review our list of professional community partners who are able to provide quality items or services free-of-charge for the child. (It's important to know that we are all volunteers donating our time and effort to help our students.)
  • If you or your office receives a call from RGB, we will work to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. We will provide transportation for the student, and he or she will be accompanied by a parent, school social worker or school nurse.

RGB ensures the confidentiality of our students and the services they receive. As a governmental entity, the Rockwood School District falls under section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code. Because your service donation is made for a public purpose, it can be tax-deductible under this code.

We appreciate your consideration to join us a community service provider. Please feel free to contact us at for more information.