Content Areas
Language Arts
Language arts curriculum is focused on critical thinking so students can identify, evaluate and solve problems as they learn and grow.
World Languages & ESOL
Social Studies
A solid foundation in Social Studies is necessary for students to develop into responsible and productive members of our world community.
Math curriculum instruction is designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills our students need for success in college and careers.
Science curriculum incorporates critical thinking, analyzing and the practices of science, allowing students to interact, engage and make connections to our world.
Fine Arts
The curriculum for all fine arts courses engages students in common artistic processes: creating, performing and presenting, visual art, responding, and connecting.
Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education focuses on three main areas: business education, family and consumer science and technology education.
Physical Education
The healthy, physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert and successful in school and more likely to establish a healthy active lifestyle.