Math Pathways
Choose Your Pathway
Step 1
Choose Math 6 or Math 6/7.
Step 2
If Math 6 is chosen, next choose between:
- Math 7 and Math 8 separately; or
- Math 7/8 (after successful completion of summer work).
If Math 6/7 is chosen, next would be Math 7/8.
Step 3
Algebra 1 or AMPED
Step 4
Geometry, or Geometry in Construction, or Honors Geometry
Step 4
Choose Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2 (includes Trigonometry)
Step 5
If Algebra 2 is chosen, next choose between:
- Algebra 3 (can receive college credit through the University of Missouri-St. Louis) and Trigonometry; or
- Algebra 3, Trigonometry, Statistics, or Finite Math (semester courses; choose two).
If Honors Algebra 2 was chosen, next would be Pre-Calculus and/or AP Statistics.
Step 6
If Algebra 2 was chosen:
- and then followed by Algebra 3 and Trigonometry, next would be Pre-Calculus and/or AP Statistics.
- If two semester courses were chosen, next would be two additional courses from the previous list, or AP Statistics.
If Honors Algebra 2 was chosen, followed by Pre-Calculus and/or AP Statistics, next would be AP Calculus and/or AP Statistics.