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Rockwood School District

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English Language Development

The Statue of Liberty

The Rockwood School District ELD (English Language Development) program serves students grades K-12. Eligible students are identified using criteria established by the state of Missouri. Typically, new students take the WIDA language screener to determine areas in which they need support. Students that move into the district already having qualified for ESOL services elsewhere do not need to take the screener.

The language screener focuses on reading, writing, speaking, and listening across all academic domains, e.g. Language Arts or Science. Annually, the students take the WIDA ACCESS 2.0 language proficiency test to determine how they are progressing in their development in English. Results from this assessment, grades, portfolios and teacher input are used in determining the types of support students receive and also when students exit the ELD program.

The goal of our program is to have students spend as much time in their regular classroom as possible. Each English Learner (EL) receives support from a certified ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Teacher. The ESOL teacher provides academic support in all content areas, and partners with classroom teachers and other education professionals to ensure that ELs' needs (academic, social, personal) are met. For that reason, Rockwood employs a variety of instructional models to support students' needs. Our models include, but are not limited to: Pull-out Support, Push-in Support, Consultations, Co-teaching, and in limited cases ESOL specific content classes. Throughout their time in the ELD program, ELs also work on developing portfolios as another way to track their academic growth and their English language development.

In Rockwood, all ELs attend their home schools Kindergarten through 12th grade. ELs in Rockwood represent over 80 countries and languages. The ESOL program provides students not only academic support but also a variety of supports to families as well.

Program Description

  • Instruction provided in students' home schools
  • Variety of instructional models
  • Social language instruction and academic language instruction
  • Support of students' home cultures
  • Liaison between school and families
  • Monitoring of students' academic progress who have graduated from the program at regular intervals

Program Objectives

  • Student acquisition of social language to promote competency in school and community settings
  • Student acquisition of academic language to promote competency in all district curricular areas
  • Student acquisition of English as a tool for imagination, critical thinking, and reflection
  • Student readiness for post-secondary college and career

Identification of Students

  • Home Language Survey
  • Referral by regular classroom teacher, parent, counselor, staff or administrator

Exiting the Program

  • Qualifying score on state proficiency test (WIDA ACCESS for ELLs)
  • Portfolio of evidence of English language acquisition