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Rockwood School District

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  • Algebraic Geometry is not recognized by NCAA.
  • Algebra 3 and Trigonometry OR Honors Algebra 2 must be completed prior to taking Pre-Calculus.
  • Algebra 3 may not be taken after successful completion of Pre-Calculus. Approved for College Credit.
  • AP Statistics can be taken after successful completion of Honors Algebra 2 OR any two of the following semester courses: Algebra 3, Trigonometry, Statistics, and Finite. Recommended to be taken concurrently with Pre-Calculus or AP Calculus during a student's junior or senior year.
  • AP Calculus students may choose between AB or BC.
  • AP Calculus BC may be taken after AP Calculus AB but student must audit first semester.

Any sequence not listed above must have the approval of the Math Department Chair.

Students may be required to complete summer work in preparation for an AP or Honors course. The purpose of summer work is to enhance a student's ability to start on the first day of class engaged in class discussions. Expectations for summer work will be communicated in the spring semester.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels09, 10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated,
Online - Off Campus
Online Course TypeCredit Recover,
First Time Credit
Credit1.0 Math

Course Description

Algebra 1 engages students in the critical thinking and problem-solving skillsrequired for future success in high school mathematics. Students practicetransferringconcrete mathematical knowledge to more abstract algebraic generalizations.Technology will be used throughout the course as students explore and make sense of problems in real-world contexts.

Course Prerequisite

Completion of Math 8 or equivalent

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Compare the properties of two functions.
  • Use function notation to evaluate functions for inputs in their domains, and interpret statements that use function notation in terms of a context.
  • Explain how each step taken when solving an equation or inequality in one variable creates an equivalent equation or inequality that has the same solution(s) as the original.
  • Explain how the meaning of rational exponents extends from the properties of integer exponents.
  • Solve problems involving quadratic equations.
  • Choose and produce equivalent forms of a quadratic expression or equations to reveal and explain properties.
  • Create and graph linear, quadratic and exponential equations in two variables.
  • Solve problems involving quadratic equations.
  • Write arithmetic and geometric sequences in recursive and explicit forms, and use them to model situations, and translate between the two forms.
  • Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear or exponential functions.
  • Translate between equivalent forms of a function to reveal and explain properties of the function and interpret these in terms of a context.
  • Solve a system of linear equations algebraically and/or graphically.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Rockwood Summit High
Marquette High
Grade Levels09, 10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated
Credit2.0 Math, Career and Technical Education

Course Description

AMPED engages students in the critical thinking and problem-solving skillsrequired for future success in high school mathematicsin an authentic business setting.The contextual learning experience combines all Algebra 1 standards and Business Entrepreneurship standards through relevant, interactive, career-centered projects.Students taking this course must also enroll in Business Management Processes and willreceive both an Algebra 1 and a CTE credit.

Course Prerequisite

Completion of Math 8 or equivalent

Enrollment Notes

Students must be concurrently enrolled in BMA001S/BMA002S Business Management Processes.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Explore functions including linear, exponential and quadratic;compare characteristics of these functions, and translate between graphical, numerical and symbolic representations of them.
  • Create and solve linear equations, linear inequalities, and systems of equations involving both linear and quadratic equations.
  • Use the laws of exponents tosimplify expressions involving rational exponents and radicals.
  • Classify and perform operations with polynomials, including factoring
  • Use regression techniques to describe linear relationships between quantities.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels09, 10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated,
Online - Off Campus
Online Course TypeCredit Recover,
First Time Credit

Course Description

Geometry provides an analysis of plane, solid, and coordinate geometry. Students explore bothabstract mathematical concepts as well as real-world applications. Technological tools and manipulatives will be used to discover and explore more complex geometric situations and deepen students understanding of geometric relationships as they move toward formal mathematical arguments.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Algebra 1 or Algebra1-AMPED

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Prove theorems and solve problems about triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons.
  • Prove triangle congruence criteria based on analyses of rigid motions and formal constructions.
  • Apply similarity in right triangles to understand right triangle trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem.
  • Investigate and solve real-world problems involving area and volume.
  • Prove basic theorems about circles and derive the equation of a circle.
  • Compute and interpret theoretical and experimental probabilities.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels09, 10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated
Credit1.0 Math, Career and Technical Education

Course Description

Geometry in Construction provides students an opportunity to explore complex geometric applications and deepentheir understanding of geometric relationships in the context of a construction project.This contextual learning experience combines all Geometry standards and construction standards allowing students to see a variety of geometry concepts used in a real-world setting.Students taking this course must also enroll in Construction;they will receive both a Geometry and a CTE credit.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Algebra 1 or Algebra 1-AMPED

Enrollment Notes

Students must be concurrently enrolled in CMA001S and CMA002S Construction.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Prove theorems and solve problems about triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons.
  • Prove triangle congruence criteria based on analyses of rigid motions and formal constructions.
  • Apply similarity in right triangles to understand right triangle trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem.
  • Investigate and solve real-world problems involving area and volume. Prove basic theorems about circles and derive the equation of a circle.
  • Compute and interpret theoretical and experimental probabilities.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels09, 10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated,
Online - Off Campus
Online Course TypeFirst Time Credit
Credit1.0 Math

Course Description

Honors Geometry is a rigorous, proof-based course designed to develop spatial concepts and insight into geometric relationships. Complex algebraic principles such as systems of equations, factoring and solving quadratic equations are consistently applied to geometric problems. This course prepares students for the rigor of Honors Algebra 2.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Algebra 1

Enrollment Notes

A grade of "B" or better is recommended in Algebra 1.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Prove theorems and solve problems about triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons.
  • Prove triangle congruence criteria based on analyses of rigid motions and formal constructions.
  • Apply similarity in right triangles to understand right triangle trigonometry and the Pythagorean Theorem.
  • Investigate and solve real-world problems involving area and volume.
  • Prove basic theorems about circles and derive the equation of a circle.
  • Compute and interpret theoretical and experimental probabilities.
  • Derive and apply various advanced geometric theorems.
  • Write inverse and contrapositive statements for conditionals and determine the truth value for these statements.
  • Solve problems involving relationships between parts of a right triangle when an altitude is drawn from the right angle.
  • Use indirect proofs to prove theorems.
  • Derive and identify the relationships between segments created by chords, secants, and tangents in circles to find segment lengths.
  • Understand radians and use radian measure to find the arc length and area of a sector.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels09, 10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated,
Online - Off Campus
Online Course TypeCredit Recover,
First Time Credit
Credit1.0 Math

Course Description

Algebra 2 builds upon the curriculum from Algebra 1 and extends students' repertoire of function families to include polynomial, rational and radical functions. Technology will be used as an instructional tool throughout the course.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Algebraic Geometry, Geometry or Honors Geometry.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Create and solve equations and inequalities, including those that involve absolute value.
  • Solve equations involving rational exponents and/or radicals and identify situations where extraneous solutions may result.
  • Identify and interpret key characteristics of functions represented graphically, with tables and with algebraic symbolism to solve problems.
  • Describe the effects of transformations algebraically and graphically.
  • Identify zeros of polynomials when suitable factorizations are available, and use the zero to sketch the function defined by the polynomial.
  • Create new functions by applying the four operations and composition of functions (modifying the domain and range as necessary).
  • Describe and explain the purposes, relationship to randomization and differences among sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies.
  • Use data from a sample to estimate characteristics of the population and recognize the meaning of the margin of error in these estimates.
  • Use the inverse relationship between exponents and logarithms to solve exponential and logarithmic equations.
  • Use properties of logarithms to solve equations or find equivalent expressions.
  • Create functions and use them to solve applications of quadratic and exponential function model problems.
  • Solve rational equations where numerators and denominators are polynomial and where extraneous solutions may result.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels09, 10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated,
Online - Off Campus
Online Course TypeFirst Time Credit
Credit1.0 Math

Course Description

Honors Algebra 2 with Trigonometry builds upon the topics included in Algebra 2 and introduces Trigonometric skills and concepts essential for success in calculus courses. Itis an accelerated course recommended for the college-bound student who intends to follow a math-related curriculum.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Geometry or Honors Geometry

Enrollment Notes

A grade of “B” or better in Honors Geometry and Eighth grade Algebra 1 or a grade of “A” in Geometry and Ninth grade Algebra 1 is recommended.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Solve equations and inequalities, including those that involve absolute value, radicals, quadratic equations over the set of complex numbers, exponential equations using the properties of logarithms, and rational equations.
  • Create, graph and analyze functions and systems of equations given real-world context.
  • Identify and interpret key characteristics of functions represented graphically and algebraically to solve problems.
  • Describe the effects of transformations of functions graphically and algebraically.
  • Simplify rational expressions.
  • Perform arithmetic operations involving complex numbers and polynomial functions.
  • Develop strategies for analyzing data that are collected from the result of an experiment or survey.
  • Explore the unit circle to define the 6 trig functions and how they correlate to the special right triangles to evaluate the 6 trig functions and find the angle for a given trigonometric ratio.
  • Graph the six trig functions, apply transformations to their graphs and write trig equations that model periodic phenomena.
  • Use various identities to complete trigonometric proofs and solve trigonometric equations including those arising from real-world context.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels10, 11, 12
Course LengthSemester
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated
Credit0.5 Math
College CreditYes
College Credit TypeDual Credit at UMSL: Math 1030 (3 credits)

Course Description

Algebra 3 includes applications of concepts from Algebra 2 as well as some new topics and is designed for the college-bound student. Technology will be used as an instructional tool throughout the course.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2

A grade of “C” or better in Algebra2 or Honors Algebra2 is recommended.

Algebra2 students wishing to take Pre-Calculus after Algebra3 must take both a semester of Algebra3 and a semester of Trigonometry.

Algebra 3 may not be taken after the successful completion of Pre-Calculus.

This course may be eligible for college credit. Please consult the Algebra 3 teacher for details.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Produce the graph of a conic using all critical information.
  • Write arithmetic and geometric sequences both recursively and explicitly using formulas and use them to model situations and translate between the two forms.
  • Apply the properties of sigma notation to find the sums of series.
  • Identify situations that can be modeled with exponential and logarithmic functions and use them to solve real-world problems.
  • Represent and solve polynomial and rational equations.
  • Graph rational functions, identifying zeros and asymptotes when suitable factorizations are available, and showing end behavior.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels10, 11, 12
Course LengthSemester
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated
Credit0.5 Math

Course Description

Trigonometry provides the trigonometric skills and concepts essential for success in calculus courses. It is a field of mathematics in which the geometric properties of angles and sides of triangles are used to measure lengths. This course is recommended for college-bound students.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2

A grade of “C” or better in Algebra 2is highly recommended.

This course may not be taken after the successful completion of Pre-Calculus.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Solve right triangles.
  • Graph trigonometric functions.
  • Prove trigonometric identities.
  • Solve trigonometric functions.
  • Solve for non-right triangles and find the area of oblique triangles and sectors.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels10, 11, 12
Course LengthSemester
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated
Credit0.5 Math

Course Description

Statistical studyhas increased insociety and isrecommended for all students. This course uses a project-based learning approach. Studentswill conduct surveys, interpret collected data and make decisions about real-life situations. Applications of the tools of data collection, data analysis, and statistical inference will be emphasized for a variety of careers.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Algebraic Geometry, Geometry, or Honors Geometry

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Draw comparative inferences from two or more sets of univariate data.
  • Explore, analyze, and assess the normality of univariate data.
  • Set up the framework for a significance test in order to make inferences about apopulation.
  • Analyze the least squares regression line to predict trends in data.
  • Use confidence intervals to estimate unknown parameters.
  • Interpret p-value to make a decision.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels10, 11, 12
Course LengthSemester
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated
Credit0.5 Math

Course Description

Finite Math connects mathematics to career and everyday life situations. Topics include matrices, linear programming, logic, finance, probability, and counting principles. The use of a graphing calculator is incorporated throughout the course.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Use matrices to represent and manipulate data.
  • Create a linear programming model to identify important quantities and interpret the solutions in real-world context.
  • Understand how to apply the 4 principles (time, principal, rate and compounding periods) of finance to improve personal financial decisions.
  • Use equivalent statements and argument forms to test the validity of arguments.
  • Analyze decisions and strategies using probability concepts.
  • Use permutations and combinations to compute probabilities of compound events and solve problems.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels09, 10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated,
Online - Off Campus
Online Course TypeFirst Time Credit
Credit1.0 Math

Course Description

Precalculus is a rigorous study in advanced functions and trigonometry in preparation for AP Calculus. The graphing calculator is an integral part of the analysis of functions; however, students will be required to graph and calculate without the aid of any calculator to prepare for AP Calculus, where use ofcalculators islimited.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Honors Algebra 2 or Algebra 3 and Trigonometry is required.

Enrollment Notes

A grade of “B” or better in Honors Algebra 2 or Algebra 3 and Trigonometry is recommended for success in this course.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Analyze and graph functions.
  • Perform operations on polynomial and rational expressions.
  • Simplify trigonometric expressions using trig identities and/or unit circle values.
  • Solve rational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic equations.
  • Perform basic operations on vectors.
  • Use sequence and series to model and solve real-world situations.
  • Understand the graphs and conversions of conics, polar and parametric.
  • Understand the basic limit process.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated
Credit1.0 Math
College CreditYes
College Credit TypeAP

Course Description

APCalculusAB connects topics and representations to develop students'conceptual mathematical knowledge.Studentsapply strategies and techniques to accurately solve diverse types of problems.This college-levelcourse prepares students to take the Advanced Placement Calculus AB exam which covers concepts in college-level Calculus 1.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Pre-Calculus

Enrollment Notes

A grade of “B” or better in previous mathematics courses is recommended.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Work with functions represented in a variety of ways: graphical, numerical, analytical, or verbal andunderstand connections among these representations.
  • Understand the meaning of the derivative in terms of a rate of change and local linear approximation and use derivatives to solve a variety of problems.
  • Understand the meaning of the definite integral both as a limit of Riemann sums and as the net accumulation of change and use integrals to solve a variety of problems.
  • Understand the relationship between the derivative and the definite integral as expressed in both parts of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
  • Communicate mathematics both orally and in well-written sentences and explain solutions to problems.
  • Model a written description of a physical situation with a function, a differential equation, or an integral.
  • Use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and verify conclusions.
  • Determine the reasonableness of solutions, including sign, size, relative accuracy, and units of measurement.
  • Develop an appreciation of calculus as a coherent body of knowledge and as a human accomplishment.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated
Credit1.0 Math
College CreditYes
College Credit TypeAP

Course Description

AP Calculus BC includes all topics covered in AP Calculus AB and extends the content to different types of equations (polar, parametric, vector-valued) and new topics (such as Euler's method, integration by parts, and improper integrals). It alsointroduces the topic of sequences and series. This course prepares students to take the Advanced Placement Calculus BC exam which covers concepts in college-level Calculus 1 and Calculus 2.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of WG Pre-Calculus.

Enrollment Notes

A grade of "B" or better in previous mathematics courses is recommended.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated
Credit1.0 Math
College CreditYes
College Credit TypeAP

Course Description

AP Statistics introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data.Statistical studyhas increased insociety and isrecommended for all students.An introductory statistics course, similar to the AP Statistics course, is typically required for majors such as social sciences, health science, and business. Science, engineering and mathematics majors usually take an upper-level calculus-based course in statistics, for which the AP Statistics course is consideredeffective preparation.This course prepares students to take the Advanced Placement Statistics exam.

Course Prerequisite

Successful completion of Honors Algebra 2 or a combination of two of the four semester courses: Finite, Trigonometry, Algebra 3, or Statistics

Enrollment Notes

A grade of "B" or better in previous mathematics courses is recommended.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Describe patterns and departures from patterns while exploring data.
  • Plan and conducting a study to develop their understanding of sampling and experimentation.
  • Explore random phenomena using probability and simulations.
  • Estimate population parameters and testing hypotheses to make statistical inferences.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels09, 10, 11, 12
Course LengthSemester
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated,
Online - Off Campus
Online Course TypeCredit Recover,
First Time Credit
Credit0.5 Math

Course Description

Math in Careers introduces students to specific occupations while reinforcing foundational mathematics content.Students will apply concepts through real-life scenarios in the context of relevant career opportunities,personalized instruction and a project-based framework. Students will collaborate to complete their chosen occupational mission.

Enrollment Notes

Math in Careers serves as credit for high school graduation, but does not meet requirements for college entrance.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
  • Model with mathematics.
  • Use appropriate tools strategically.
  • Attend to precision.
  • Look for and make use of structure.
  • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Course Details

Offered at
Eureka High
Lafayette High
Marquette High
Rockwood Summit High
Grade Levels12
Course LengthSemester
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated,
Online - Off Campus
Online Course TypeFirst Time Credit,
Credit Recover
Credit0.5 Math

Course Description

Consumer Math prepares students to become independent consumers in our society.Students study and review arithmetic skills they can apply in their personal lives and in their future careers.

Course Prerequisite

Students must be a senior eligible to graduate at the end of the current school year, have no more than 3 math credits and not have a full credit of Algebra 2.

Enrollment Notes

This course provides credit for high school graduation, but does not meet requirements for college entrance.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Analyze and calculate expenses incurred when purchasing/leasing an automobile or a place of residence.
  • Maintain accurate banking records and compare types of credit.
  • Analyze options when purchasing consumable goods to make a logical, educated decision.
  • Utilize basic investment principles to evaluate various investment opportunities.
  • Develop the components of a budget based upon a determined amount of earnings and taxes.

Course Details

Offered at
Grade Levels10, 11, 12
Course LengthYear
Delivery MethodTraditional Seated
Credit1.0 Math

Course Description

This course is designed to develop spatial concepts and insight into the relationships between plane figures.Basic algebraic principles will be extended and applied to geometric problems.

Course Prerequisite

Placement in this course is determined by scores on the Algebra EOC and teacher recommendation.

Enrollment Notes

This course does not meet NCAA requirements.

Expected Course Outcomes

  • Prove basic theorems and solve problems about triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons
  • Establish triangle congruence criteria based on analyses of rigid motions
  • Apply similarity in right triangles to understand right triangle trigonometry
  • Use formulas to find the volume of three-dimensional objects
  • Use the languages of set theory to expand their ability to compute and interpret theoretical and experimental probabilities.