Challenge Courses
What Makes a Challenge Course
What is the difference between a grade-level course and a challenge course? Select a subject to see how they compare in terms of Content Knowledge and Skills, Pace, and Complexity and Difficulty.
- Language Arts
- World History (6th Grade)
- World Geography (7th Grade)
- United States History (8th Grade)
- Life Science (6th Grade)
- Earth Science (7th Grade)
- Physical Science (8th Grade)
Language Arts
Content Knowledge and Skills
Grade-level and Challenge courses both exceed the grade level requirements of the State of Missouri.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
The speed or rate at which progress is made through content or a lesson. Challenge is a faster pace.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
Content is paced to allow for mastery of grade level curriculum. | Content is compacted for a faster pace to allow for more intensive and in-depth study of the curriculum. |
Complexity and Difficulty
Complexity is the thought processes the brain uses to deal with information. Difficulty is the effort the learner must expend to accomplish the learning objective. Challenge is more complex and can be more difficult. Students should be willing to commit to the increased expectations of the course.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
World History (6th Grade)
Content Knowledge and Skills
Grade-level and Challenge courses both exceed the grade level requirements of the State of Missouri.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
The speed or rate at which progress is made through content or a lesson. Challenge is a faster pace.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
Complexity and Difficulty
Complexity is the thought processes the brain uses to deal with information.
Difficulty is the effort the learner must expend to accomplish the learning objective.
Challenge is more complex and can be more difficult. Students should be willing to commit to the increased expectations of the course.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
World Geography (7th Grade)
Content Knowledge and Skills
Grade-level and Challenge courses both exceed the grade level requirements of the State of Missouri.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
The speed or rate at which progress is made through content or a lesson. Challenge is a faster pace.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
Content is paced to allow for mastery of grade level curriculum. | Content is compacted for a faster pace to allow for more intensive and in-depth study of the curriculum. |
Complexity and Difficulty
Complexity is the thought processes the brain uses to deal with information. Difficulty is the effort the learner must expend to accomplish the learning objective. Challenge is more complex and can be more difficult. Students should be willing to commit to the increased expectations of the course.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
United States History (8th Grade)
Content Knowledge and Skills
Grade-level and Challenge courses both exceed the grade level requirements of the State of Missouri.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
The speed or rate at which progress is made through content or a lesson. Challenge is a faster pace.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
Content is paced to allow for mastery of grade level curriculum. | Content is compacted for a faster pace to allow for more intensive and in-depth study of the curriculum. |
Complexity and Difficulty
Complexity is the thought processes the brain uses to deal with information. Difficulty is the effort the learner must expend to accomplish the learning objective. Challenge is more complex and can be more difficult. Students should be willing to commit to the increased expectations of the course.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
Life Science (6th Grade)
Content Knowledge and Skills
Grade-level and Challenge courses both exceed the grade level requirements of the State of Missouri.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
The speed or rate at which progress is made through content or a lesson. Challenge is a faster pace.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
Content is paced to allow for mastery of grade level curriculum. | Content is compacted for a faster pace to allow for more intensive and in-depth study of the curriculum. |
Complexity and Difficulty
Complexity is the thought processes the brain uses to deal with information. Difficulty is the effort the learner must expend to accomplish the learning objective. Challenge is more complex and can be more difficult. Students should be willing to commit to the increased expectations of the course.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
Earth Science (7th Grade)
Content Knowledge and Skills
Grade-level and Challenge courses both exceed the grade level requirements of the State of Missouri.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
The speed or rate at which progress is made through content or a lesson. Challenge is a faster pace.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
Content is paced to allow for mastery of grade level curriculum. | Content is compacted for a faster pace to allow for more intensive and in-depth study of the curriculum. |
Complexity and Difficulty
Complexity is the thought processes the brain uses to deal with information.Difficulty is the effort the learner must expend to accomplish the learning objective. Challenge is more complex and can be more difficult. Students should be willing to commit to the increased expectations of the course.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
Physical Science (8th Grade)
Content Knowledge and Skills
Grade-level and Challenge courses both exceed the grade level requirements of the State of Missouri.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
The speed or rate at which progress is made through content or a lesson. Challenge is a faster pace.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
Content is paced to allow for mastery of grade level curriculum. | Content is compacted for a faster pace to allow for more intensive and in-depth study of the curriculum. |
Complexity and Difficulty
Complexity is the thought processes the brain uses to deal with information. Difficulty is the effort the learner must expend to accomplish the learning objective. Challenge is more complex and can be more difficult. Students should be willing to commit to the increased expectations of the course.
Grade Level Course | Challenge Course |
What Makes a Challenge Student
Consider these questions.
Families are encouraged to discuss the questions below together. The responses will be used as a part of your enrollment decision-making process. Consider the statements below for each course to help reflect on the mindset and motivation for challenge course work.
If your child agrees with a total of 7 or 8 of the statements below, a challenge course for that content area would probably be a good fit.
Am I choosing challenge for the right reasons?
- I have a strong interest in the content.
- I enjoy learning advanced skills and thinking deeply about things.
- I am willing to persevere through academic challenges.
- The opportunity to learn material at a more advanced level is more important to me than my grades.
Do I have the time to commit to challenge academics?
- I have time to spend regularly reading and writing complex assignments.
- I have time outside the school day to work independently on challenge course work.
Do challenge courses fit my learning style?
- I can learn at a faster pace and it does not cause me stress.
- I can process and pick up new material at a fast rate.