Timeline and Important Dates
Rockwood Determines Title I.A Schools for the following school year
Using economic deprivation data
Rockwood Announces Title I.A schools for the following school year
Using Rockwood Deprivation Data
Nonpublic Schools Prepare for DESE Registration
Collect Economic Deprivation Data and Submit Data to Rockwood
September 15
Nonpublic Student Referrals Due to Rockwood
on or before 9/15, then add as needed through the school year
Verification Data Due to Rockwood from Nonpublics-PRIOR to DESE Registration
Enter on Google Drive; link provided via email
September 15–November 30
RSD Checks Verification Data and Creates Registration Summary
Verification Data Spreadsheet; Google Drive link provided via email
September 21, 2023, 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Federal Programs Consultation / Nonpublic Luncheon, Administrative Annex A100
September 20
Watch for the Annual DESE Nonpublic Webinar posted in early Oct
DESE Nonpublic website
October 1–November 30
Nonpublic Schools DESE REGISTRATION for the following school year
DESE Web Applications web page
October 5, 2023, 9:30-11:30 am
DESE Nonpublic Webinar
December 1–February 28
VERIFICATION WINDOW OPEN; Nonpublic Registration verified by LEA (local education agency/local school district)
Verification of enrollment and economic deprivation counts
April 17, 2024, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Federal Programs Consultation / Nonpublic Luncheon, Administrative Annex A100