Rockwood Students Earn Ribbons, Awards at Academy of Science-St. Louis Science Fair
A total of 64 students from 17 Rockwood elementary, middle and high schools – plus an entire class of Geggie Elementary third-graders – recently earned ribbons in their grade levels for their projects at the Academy of Science-St. Louis Science Fair.
The fair, which was held in a virtual format, is the premier STEM fair in St. Louis, with more than 80,000 K-12 students representing 200 schools throughout the region. Close to $40,000 in scholarships and awards are presented to top students annually. Each year, nearly 1,000 area students participate in the fair.
A total of 20 Rockwood students earned Special Awards from the fair’s sponsors to go along with their ribbons, while 31 – plus teacher Kim Wickman’s Geggie third-graders – earned blue ribbons, 14 earned red ribbons and 19 earned green ribbons.
Marquette High senior Alice Liu and the team of Lafayette High seniors Joel and Sarah Ebenezer also earned awards in the Honors Division of the fair, which were presented in March.
Congratulations to these outstanding Rockwood students!
Special Award Recipients
- Ella Arbuszewski, Babler Elementary (Bayer Outstanding Young Scientists Award) -- Exciting Elephant Explosions
- Aarav Balan, Selvidge Middle (Air and Waste Management Association - Greater St. Louis Section Award) -- Sustainable Solutions for Oil Pollution Cleanup
- Amol Bansal, Crestview Middle (American Statistical Association (St. Louis Chapter) Excellence in the Application of Statistical Methods Certificate) -- Evaluating Outcomes: Balancing Prior Knowledge and Emerging Evidence
- Joel and Sarah Ebenezer, Lafayette High (Honors Division -- Bayer Top Young Scientists Award) -- The effects of structural changes in PALB2 (partner and localizer of BRCA2) ability to bind DNA
- Shreyansh Reddy Guduru and Nikhilesh Samuthiravel Muthukumar, Crestview (Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge) -- Stay Afloat, Safeguarding the World from Flooding
- Saumya Janakiram, Selvidge (Bayer Outstanding Young Scientists Award and Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge) – Heart Rate Experiment
- Vidyuth Kamesh, Crestview (American Statistical Association (St. Louis Chapter) Excellence in the Application of Statistical Methods Award) – Dynamics of Flight
- Radha Khare, Crestview (Bayer Outstanding Young Scientists Award and Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge) -- Studying Tennis Players’ Reaction Time When Returning Groundstrokes from a Ball Machine vs from a Real Person
- Akshaj Kosaraju and Sribalaji Rajamadasamy, Crestview (Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge) – Why Does a Bicycle Stay Upright
- Alice Liu, Marquette High (Honors Division -- American Statistical Association (St. Louis Chapter) Excellence in the Application of Statistical Methods Award and Association for Women Geoscientists Certificate) -- Evaluation of Metal Organic Framework Structures for Syngas Separation Using Molecular Simulations and Machine Learning
- Aysha Mafaz, Westridge Elementary (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics of St. Louis Award) -- How to stop strawberries from spoiling
- Allison Moonier, Rockwood Summit High (American Statistical Association (St. Louis Chapter) Excellence in the Application of Statistical Methods Certificate and Bayer Top Young Scientists Award) -- How do Tyson mosquito larvae react to tannin solutions made from leaves of common tree species?
- Caroline Oelschlaeger, Crestview (Bayer Outstanding Young Scientists Award) – Do We Lose Snow Days to Salt?
- Lithiksha Puviarasu, Ridge Meadows Elementary (Bayer Top Young Scientists Award) – Intelligent Fruit Container
- Satvik Seetharaman, Marquette (Honors Division -- Bayer Top Young Scientists Award) -- Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria in Cricket
- Hridhay Suswaram, Marquette (Bayer Top Young Scientists Award) -- Impact of temperature, precipitation, dew point and wind speed changes on mold count in Saint Louis from 2003 to 2023
- Akshaya Suthanthirakumar Kasirajan, Selvidge (Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge) -- What is the best way to keep apples from browning?
Blue Ribbon Recipients
- Muskaan Bothra, Green Pines Elementary – Which House is Warmest?
- Sree Charan Katabathuni and Ishaan Palanati, Crestview – Music v. Memory
- Kriti Katakam, Green Pines -- Preventing Childhood Obesity by eating more Probiotic foods that improve gut health
- Shreeya Khare, Crestview -- Crocheting Hyperbolic Pseudospheres to Test Euclid’s 5th Postulate of Geometry
- Ashvik Kothari, Rockwood Valley Middle -- Which Vegan Yogurt is the Most Beneficial?
- Deacon Kuhn, Fairway Elementary -- Eating with your eyes: Does color affect taste?
- Rajan Sankara Subramanian, Selvidge – Use of Magnets in Transportation
- Shrey Sharma, Crestview – Fantastic Hydrogels
- Andrew Streberger, Geggie Elementary -- Elephant Toothpaste: Making Foamy Fun
- Madhav Varanasi, Green Pines -- Healthiness is happiness! Beat your way to fitness!
- Medha Varanasi, Wildwood Middle -- Cell phone radiation: Is it a stranger that poses danger?
- Abith Vipin, Wild Horse Elementary -- Beans Versus Water: How Water Changes a Growing Bean
- Kim Wickman’s third-graders, Geggie -- Tic Toc a Lemon Clock: a 3 Temperature Test
Red Ribbon Recipients
- Krishikhaa Anandanarayanan and Srisakthi Rajamadasamy, Wild Horse – Action-ReAction
- Lily Arbuszewski, Babler -- Fun in the Sun: Rainbows of Protection
- Yoon Jae Chang, Marquette (Honors Division) -- Determining Optimal Analysis of mFISH for Expression in Myeloma
- Sam Deschamp, Woerther Elementary – My Bacteria-Filled Hobbies!
- Mason Fu and Lucas Sun, Wild Horse -- Balloon Rocket: Is Newton's third law of motion correct? An Elementary students' examination
- Rayan Goswami and Rishi Mital, Wild Horse -- Investigating Crystal Formation in Geode Eggs
- Varun Kamesh, Kehrs Mill Elementary -- Does pH of soil affect plant growth?
- Avanthika Sree Kasirajan, Woerther – Flowing Color Liquid
- Krithi Krishnareddy, Babler -- Weather Detective: A Look Inside with a DIY Weather Station
- Anvika Malugu, Crestview -- Heat & Hue- Color’s Impact On Light Absorption
Green Ribbon Recipients
- Aadhira Balan, Woerther – Exploring Viscosity with Marbles
- Dhruv Bhosekar, Marquette (Honors Division) -- Identifying Novel Molecular Biomarkers in Epilepsy
- Arnav Busani, Marquette (Honors Division) -- A Factorial Analysis of Environmental Factors and the Prevalence of Cancer in Missouri
- Vivaan Chechani, Wildwood – Reigniting Coal
- Lalithambika Geethu Jayadev and Siya Taneja, Crestview -- The Perceptions of Facial Expressions
- Amrita Immidisetti and Nayana Narendrula, Wild Horse -- Soaring to New Heights: Building an Airplane from Scratch
- Aakesh Jha, Woerther – Underwater Volcano
- Rohan Krishnan, Green Pines – Does it float?
- Anirudh Kuchipudi and Sree Vibha Meka, Wild Horse – Construct a Custom Flashlight
- Steffi Pais, Wild Horse – Air Pressure on Water
- Sophia Papi, Fairway – Shocking Results
- Anushka Rausaria, Ballwin Elementary -- Does The 5 Second Rule Work Differently On Different Types Of Foods?
- Talin Samuthiravel Muthukumar, Wild Horse -- How do El Niño and La Niña impact the climate
- Arnav Ubarhande, Westridge – Wind Power
- Adith Vipin, Crestview -- From Sound to Growth: How sound waves make plants grow
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